Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Internet Affiliate Network Marketing

There are systems today that claim it will be easy to make money in network marketing if you just do XYZ.  Wise marketers have learned that you can make more money faster by not worrying about whatnetwork marketing business they belong to and focus on the affiliate products that surround the niche.  To unlock the door to a small fortune requires some prep work.
We live in the age of systems
There seems to be a system for everything and that is true for network marketing.  While using a good system of marketing will go a long way in building your business it really is a small piece of a much bigger puzzle. What usually isn’t told to you in mostNetwork Marketing systems is that it is only one little part of the equation, see systems gets a person in the door, but it is up to you to figure out how to close that person into your business.
It is my humble opinion that systems that do not have specific programs locked into them are a waste of time and money, but before you start thinking I am just trash talking consider this. There are systems online right now that for a small fee will allow you to plug what ever programs you want inside.  In theory this is a great idea but in application using these types of systems it will be very hard to build your network marketing business.  People that use these systems can generate income from them , but not likely to build their network marketing business.
Think about it, why would someone join your business if they can just plug theirs in instead?  If you want to see your internet network marketing business grow, it is going to require extra work on your part aside from using a “system”.
We know at the heart of selling is relationship building, this is true offline and online.  Just because you got someone in your autoresponder does not mean they are in yours alone. There are thousands of other reps online competing for the same person. In order to stand ahead of the crowd you are going to have show your subscriber that you have something more to offer them in terms ofcustomer service.
The Dividing Line
While I will be the first to say systems are great, without having a foundation to build on using any system won’t much matter. If you are serious about doing business online you will have to invest in hosting and an autoresponder system. Without these two tools you don’t have a business.
Doesn’t matter if you are just an affiliate marketer or a network marketer you are going to have to use these tools. You can’t avoid it, and if you do you surely aren’t going to make much money online.  The 2 most valuable assets you can have for your business is “Your List” and “Your Virtual Real Estate.”
Luckily both of these tools usually have good affiliate programs attached to them –>Meaning you can get paid!
Simple Internet Network Marketing Flow Chart!
network marketing
It really is as easy as that chart says it is. More often than not we complicate matters for ourselves.  Add your personality to the equation and you will have a successful business.  Like every thing in life the more you learn the better your results will be.
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