Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Affiliate Network Review: EWA Private Network

Every now and then, a product, service or program comes along that really needs to be reviewed and promoted – not because it’s a paid review or affiliated site, but because it’s just outstanding.  Even though this is a paid review, that’s definitely the case with EWA Private Network.  EWA, which stands for Eagle Web Assets, is an affiliate network that has built a solid online reputation through ethical business practices, proving they really know what they’re doing, and taking great care of their affiliates and their advertisers.
EWA is made up of a small, hand-selected group of marketers, media buyers, SEM pros, and email marketers.  The company is run by Ryan Eagle and Harrison Gevirtz, who lead a team of dedicated Network and Affiliate Managers 7 days a week to provide the kind of support not often found in an affiliate network.  It is clear that their focus is on their affiliates and helping them to be successful in their affiliate marketing efforts.  They promise to maintain personal connections with all their affiliates and work closely with each affiliate every step of the way to ensure success, and they have a reputation of backing up that promise.
If you’ve been an affiliate marketer or have researched the possibilities, you’ve most likely either experienced or read about issues with affiliates of various networks not being paid on time, as much as promised, or not at all.  Not only does EWA pay out weekly, they pledge to beat any payout for the same program, and they pay everyone – on time.  They truly understand that taking care of the people who count on them (affiliates and advertisers) pays off for them in big ways, which is reflected in their motto: Help more; Pay more; Get more.
  • EWA will beat any payout you get from any network.
  • They pay weekly – from day 1, with no threshold.
  • They are available 7 days a week to help you make your campaigns bigger and more profitable.
  • They help you scale and optimize your campaigns and find traffic sources.
  • EWA pledges to get any offer you are currently running at another network within 3 days and beat the payout!
  • They have over 1500 offers for 60 countries on their network live and active.
So is there a downside to EWA?  Well, not really a downside, but it is a private network.  That means the only way in is usually through a referral.  However there is an application on the site, and even though having a referral will help, if you meet their criteria, you can be accepted without it.  For anyone who is accepted into their network, their “pickiness” is a very positive thing.  They really want to work with serious marketers because they plan on investing in your success through one-on-one training and support.

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